Page 388 - MSM_AIR2021
P. 388


           NOTICE OF

           5.3  Based on the Individual Director assessment results of the BEA 2021 and the Directors’ contribution to the Board, the NRC
                determined that each of the Director has met the performance criteria required of an effective and high performance Board
                and has the ability to continuously discharging their duties diligently as Directors of the Company.
           5.4  The Independent Non-Executive Directors concerned have also provided their annual declaration/confirmation of
                independence in January 2022.

           5.5  Based on the above, the Board approved that the Directors who retire by rotation in accordance with Clause 99 of the
                Company’s Constitution namely, Dato’ Muthanna  Abdullah and Choy Khai Choon are eligible to stand for re-election.
                Both retiring Directors had abstained from deliberations and decisions on their own eligibility to stand for re-election at the
                relevant Board and Board Committee meetings.

           5.6  The independence of Dato’ Muthanna Abdullah and Choy Khai Choon who have served as Independent Non-Executive
                Director of the Company have been assessed by the NRC. Both Dato’ Muthanna Abdullah and Choy Khai Choon satisfy the
                criteria of an Independent Director as defined under Listing Requirements, which include being independent of management,
                free from any business or other relationship which could interfere with the exercise of independent judgement, objectivity
                or the ability to act in the best interests of the Company, and also being independent of its major shareholders. Based on
                the NRC assessment, the Board affirmed Dato’ Muthanna Abdullah and Choy Khai Choon to continue to act as Independent
                Non-Executive Director of the Company. Dato’ Muthanna Abdullah and Choy Khai Choon has not exceeded the nine (9) years
                tenure as Independent Director.

           Explanatory Note 6:
           Resolutions 5 and 6:  Re-election of Directors who retire in accordance with Clause 105 of the Company’s Constitution

           6.1  Clause 105 of the Company’s Constitution stipulates at any time and from time to time, the Director shall have power to
                appoint any person to be a Director either to fill a casual vacancy or as an additional Director by way of ordinary resolution.
                Any Director so appointed shall hold office only until the next AGM and shall then be eligible for re-election.

           6.2  Nik Fazila Nik Mohamed Shihabuddin and Azman Ahmad, whom were appointed during the financial year and before the
                11  AGM, have successfully completed the Mandatory Accreditation Programmes pursuant to the provision of the Listing

           Explanatory Note 7:
           Resolution 7:  Re-appointment of Auditors
           7.1   The present auditors, Messrs. PricewaterhouseCoopers PLT (PwC), has indicated their willingness to continue their
                services  for  another  year.  The  Audit,  Governance  and Risk  Committee  (AGRC)  and  the  Board  have  considered  the
                re-appointment of PwC as auditors of the Company and have collectively agreed that PwC has met the relevant criteria
                prescribed by Paragraph 15.21 of the Listing Requirements.
           7.2   The Board at its meeting held on 21 March 2022 approved the AGRC’s recommendation for the Shareholders’ approval to be
                sought at the 11  AGM on the re-appointment of PwC as external auditors of the Company for the financial year ending 2022,
                under Resolution 7 in accordance with Section 340(1)(c) and Section 274(1)(a) of the Companies Act, 2016.
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