Page 387 - MSM_AIR2021
P. 387


                                                          Approved at the 10  AGM held               Approval sought
                                                                      on 17 June 2021                    at 11  AGM
                  Benefits-in-kind                         CHAIRMAN            NEDS       CHAIRMAN            NEDS
                  Company car                           1 unit, 2,000 cc            -  1 unit, 2,000 cc           -
                                                       with RM180,000                 with RM180,000
                                                          per annum for                 per annum for
                                                              car utility                   car utility
                  Driver allowance or Security allowance     RM2,500                -       RM2,500               -
                                                            per month                      per month
                  Group insurance                             Provided       Provided       Provided        Provided
                  Medical coverage                            Provided       Provided       Provided        Provided

                  Mobile phone bill                     Reimbursement               -  Reimbursement              -
                                                         for a fixed plan               for a fixed plan
            4.2  The Company is seeking Shareholders’ approval on the benefits payable to the Non-Executive Chairman and Non-Executive
                 Directors for the Relevant Period based on the proposed benefits (excluding Directors’ fees) set out above.

            4.3  Payment of the benefits payable will be made by the Company on a monthly basis and/or as and when incurred based on the
                 proposed benefits set out above effective from 8 June 2022, if the proposed Ordinary Resolution 2 is passed at the 11  AGM.
            4.4  The Board is of the view that it is just and equitable for the Directors to be paid benefits payable on a monthly basis and/or as
                 and when incurred, particularly after they have discharged their responsibilities and rendered their services to the Company
                 and its subsidiaries throughout the Relevant Period.
            Explanatory Note 5:
            Resolutions 3 and 4:   Re-election of Directors who retire by rotation in accordance with Clause 99 of the Company’s
            5.1  Clause 99 of the Company’s Constitution states that at every AGM, at least one-third (1/3) of the Directors for the time being
                 shall retire from office.  In addition, all Directors shall be eligible for re-election.
            5.2  For the purpose of determining the eligibility of the Directors to stand for re-election at the 11   AGM, the NRC has
                 conducted an assessment on each of the retiring Directors in line with Practice 5.1 of the Malaysian Code on Corporate
                 Governance 2021. Apart from the quantitative analysis of the Director’s performance, the NRC also considered the other
                 elements, among others, the following:
                 (a)   The Individual Director assessment as part of the Board Effectiveness  Assessment 2021 (BEA 2021) carried out
                     internally which focuses more on soft governance aspects of the Director (individual contribution, communication with
                     members, their decision making and traits); and

                 (b)   Special skills and knowledge an individual Director brings to the organisation.
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