Page 6 - MSM_AIR2021
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Throughout this report, the following navigation icons are used to link our six capitals, key stakeholders, strategic themes and enablers
to material matters, risks, and performance.
Financial Capital Natural Capital Consumers &
Our financial capital enables us to Raw sugar and fuel are the natural
provide salaries for our employees, capitals of our industry. We depend on
dividends for our shareholders and reliable access to these to maintain Employees
investment in communities while smooth operations. Price of raw sugar
driving sustainable growth through has a great impact on our profit margin
reinvestments to maintain and grow and is determined by open market
our business. Our investors’ funds commodity forces. As such, we have
are wisely invested to increase our strong risk management in place Shareholders &
operational efficiency as well as to through price hedging mechanism in Investment Community
initialise operations in our plants. meeting budgets. We build trusted
relationships with raw sugar suppliers
and exercise hedging strategies to Regulatory Agencies &
optimise on better deals. Statutory Bodies
Manufactured Capital Human Capital
Vendors, Suppliers &
We produce the highest quality sugar Our skilled employees, contract Industry Partners
with assured certifications. We also workers and experienced management
ensure availability of refined sugar team are our greatest assets. We have
through effective stock management. 1,033 employees which are considered Media, NGOs &
With our recent opening of the MSM skilled industry experts who provide Communities
Sugar Refinery (Johor) Sdn Bhd plant, us a competitive edge in helping us
we have increased production capacity maintain market leadership. Via training
to 2.05 million tonnes per annum, and skill enhancement initiatives such
making MSM one of the largest sugar as Staff Mobility Programme, we seek
refiners in the world. to maintain a good quality talent pool
within the Group.
Social &
Intellectual Capital
Relationship Capital
Our strong brand, expertise, capabilities We were established to ensure
and established technologies steer national self-sufficiency in sugar, and
our business success. We have over have since become the flagbearers
50 years of industry experience. of Malaysia’s sugar industry.
This has ensured our market share As such, MSM’s social and relationship
dominance in the domestic market. capital are the relationships of trust
Our production is anchored on quality we build with our stakeholders -
certified management processes and our employees, customers, suppliers,
systems. investors, communities, regulators, the
government, industry partners and the
media. We contribute to national and
community development through the
payment of taxes and zakat, as well as
create employment opportunities by
maintaining profitable operations.