Page 168 - MSM_AIR2021
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Restructured Health, Safety, Environment & operations level. The primary purpose of this committee is to
Security Department facilitate cooperation between departments, managers, and
employees to identify, address, and resolve health and safety
MSM has improved the existing safety reporting structure concerns.
by establishing Health, Safety, Environment and Security
(HSES) as a new department at Group level, monitoring The Monthly Safety performance for each location will be
safety and health issues across all locations. A HSES Lead reported through the HSES dashboard to Group HSES&Q and
was appointed to monitor all HSES procedures and the this will be followed with presentations to the EXCO members
department recommends Group-wide strategies to avoid during monthly exco meetings.
accidents and safety hazards and drive health and safety Safety awareness is a constant realisation that every employee
action plans.
should have at all times. It involves being constantly aware
The HSES Department reports to the Head of Group of how they are working, and being able to recognise the
Health, Safety, Environment & Security and Quality hazards they face. Safety awareness is absolutely essential
(Group HSES&Q). This restructuring provides more synergy in mitigating safety-related risks. MSM Safety awareness
and oversight for an improved safety culture. programmes are communicated through monthly newsletters,
safety inductions, HSE meetings, Daily Toolbox talk, townhall
messages via the whatsapp platform.
Processes on Reporting, Identification &
HSES & Quality (HSES&Q)
Eliminating Work-Related Hazards
Our occupational health and safety performance is managed by A structured framework of responsibility has been put in
the Group HSES&Q Committee. There are 21 members in the place to manage occupational health services’ functions that
committee in Johor, Prai has about 25 members and SBW has contribute to the identification and elimination of hazards and
its own HSE committee too. minimisation of risks at our refineries. MSM ensures the quality
of these services and facilitates workers’ access to them.
The Group HSES&Q Committee maintains a continuous The following list provides an overview of the responsibilities
monitoring, measurement and reporting cycle of HSES&Q and tasks in place to minimise work-related hazard risks in
performance to create a standardised ecosystem of health our operations:
and safety awareness for operations to follow through for
consistent practices. The Group is determined to further Workplace conditions
enhance the safety culture and systems across all our We monitor workplace conditions such as noise, dust and
operations and influence cultural change with our contractors temperature, and are defining and implementing a roadmap
to prevent incidents.
to make further improvements. Our new investments take
Our process of shared incident information across the Group, Into account strict standards with regards to all working
including shared corrective and preventative actions and conditions.
positive confirmation of actions, strengthens our mitigation
of risks. It is further supported by recognised investigative Handling and storing chemicals
techniques to address and mitigate causes through corrective
and preventative actions, for significant actual and potential Throughout the company, we pay special attention to the
incidents. safe handling and storage of chemicals. A database records
all chemicals used in our plants and strict health and safety
Each MSM subsidiary has its own HSE and guidelines apply to our employees. Employees who are
Safety & Health Committee, headed by a Chairman, at their exposed to potentially hazardous materials go through
respective sites. Employees from various departments, a medical check-up once a year. We are developing and
Trade Union representatives, and contractors also participate optimising techniques and processes that eliminate the
in the Safety and Health Committee meetings at the need for hazardous chemicals for the operations.