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Industry Memberships
Labour Standards and Best Practices
As a member of recognised industry-led federations such as
Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) and the Federation
Human rights issues are embedded into MSM’s corporate of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM), MSM engages with
practices, manuals and policies and include key areas various stakeholders including our supply chain, regulators
covering social performance, safety, human resources and and policy makers, government, as well as our peers across
contracting and procurement. In accordance with the Group various sectors to forge partnerships that are committed to
Sustainability Policy, MSM recognises its responsibilities responsible business practices and sustainable development.
to respect and aspires to meet the requirements of human
rights of its employees and workers as expressed in MEF is the central organisation of private sector employers in
the Universal Declaration for Human Rights, the United Malaysia recognised nationally, regionally and internationally.
Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Established in 1959, MEF promotes and safeguards the rights
and International Labour Organisation Core Conventions. and interests of employers with services that include advising
As a responsible organisation, we adhere to Malaysian on industrial relations issues and workplace practices assisting
Employment Laws, that amongst other requirements, them to meet their statutory Labour and Industrial Relations
ensures fair minimum wages and fair working hours. obligations.
The Group Sustainability Policy provides for MSM to FMM, since its establishment in 1968, has consistently led
continuously monitor recruitment process to ensure no Malaysian manufacturers in spearheading the nation’s growth
incidents of forced, bonded, compulsory or child labour and modernisation. FMM represents over 3,500 manufacturing
occurs in its operating units.
and industrial service companies of varying sizes and is the
MSM will not condone any irregularities in this aspect and officially recognised and acknowledged voice of the industry.
moving forward, MSM is exploring ways to strengthen its In January 2022, Tuan Syed Feizal Syed Mohammad,
labour standards and aims to seek guidance in any areas of Group Chief Executive Officer of MSM Malaysia Holdings
improvement by involvement in initiatives or commitments Berhad was accepted as one of the 54 members of
with frameworks or associations relating to fair labour CEO Action Network or CAN, a peer-to-peer informal network
of CEOs and Board members focused on sustainability
During the reporting year, there were no incidences of any advocacy, capacity building and performance. Through a
non-compliance of labour standards involving the Group. dedicated Working Group, Workstreams and active members
driving bespoke initiatives, CAN aspires to catalyse its
members towards future-ready and ESG-integrated business
models and ecosystems.
MSM has confirmed our active participation in two of the
workstreams, Policy Advocacy and Awareness & Capacity
Building. In the process, we will exchange industry best
practices, and share proven strategies and future-proof
ideas with CAN participants. MSM is currently assessing our
position to be able to join other CAN members to pledge and
publicly announce 14 Collective Commitments to be achieved
under three categories, namely environment, people and
governance by FY2023 or within 3 years of signing up with
CAN. In our next report, we will outline our progress as
well as the specific initiatives rolled-out to drive tangible
outcomes from our collaborative efforts.